Visiting Procedures
When visiting George Washington School, please follow the procedure below.
1. Access the building via the main entrance of the school.
2. Press the intercom bell and inform the greeter's desk of your arrival.
(A staff member will unlock the door so you may enter.)
3. Report directly to the greeter's desk.
4. Tell a staff member the reason for your visit.
5. If you are picking up your child, your child will be called from his or her classroom to the greeter's desk.
6. If you are staying at the school, you will be asked to scan your ID in the ID reader. You will then follow the prompts from the ID reader. After you complete the prompts, you will be allowed inside where the staff member at the greeter's desk will be waiting to hand you your vistor's badge.
7. Please DO NOT go directly to the nures's office if your child is sick. A main office staff member will contact the school nurse upon your arrival.